Rancho Mariposa has served as a boarding facility for the equine community of Santa Fe and Eldorado at Santa Fe for nearly 30 years. It is a place where each horse is treated with infinite care and lovingkindness in a setting that gives horses more of what they need. Each 12 x 12 stall features its own run and horses are also turned out in a large pasture or outdoor paddocks for a romp and a roll.
An indoor riding arena means weather won't be a factor to interrupt your riding! The barn's location off U.S. 285, south of Santa Fe, provides access to unlimited trail riding in the Eldorado Wilderness Preserve and other public trails. The Galisteo Preserve and Pecos Wilderness natural areas which welcome horseback riding are only a short trailer ride away.
Boarding fees include quality hay and feed (you can substitute your own feed) up to three times daily as well as supplements you provide, plus blanketing. The Dorado family lives on the premises to tend the horses—cleaning stalls and providing a watchful eye for the horses of Mariposa.
The facility includes the main barn with stalls facing the indoor riding ring, another small barn, and a shed row with run-in shelters. An outdoor cold water wash rack is available.
Mariposa's acreage also offers an outdoor dressage ring, an area for jumping, with one additional riding area near the entrance. Trailer parking is available on premises.